An infamous free-to-play MMORPG "inspired" by the Chinese Classics of Mountain and Seas (山海經). It's made by a Chinese company called Dreamstar Network. Their English version is released on December 1, 2021.

It's known as their infamous "badly dubbed" English ads, and the brainwashing gift code "VIP555" like most Chinese games do so.

This game proclaimed it is with a "realistic" beast's survival experience that the beasts can conquer the world with the big ranking gained by killing beasts.
"Fantastic Beasts' Legend brings you the realistic experience"
"I feel good, let me try."
by Thomogus January 6, 2022
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That chick is such a mud beast! Would you do her? Hell no!!
by kindanuts July 15, 2011
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A wild child found on state street that was rumored to be in the focus of several counts of, vandalism, fights, stray pets, and other such occurring problems. Said that he lived in a house and wondered the back alleys of state street in fort wayne and said to be associated with the wells street wendigo imagine master imp or the horizon hellhound if not one in the same.
“Did you hear? Jason got his ass beat he pissed of the state street beast!”
by HELLSPAWN1170 October 31, 2019
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