41% is the apparent suicide rate in trans people. Transphobes will usually comment this, under anyone who is visibly transsexual. A closer estimate is 0.8%
Trans Person: *Existing*
Asshole: 41%
by FrogmanJones April 26, 2021
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41% es un insulto no tan común entre las diferentes comunidades de shitpost de Facebook, para referirse a la comunidad LGBTQ+ después de que un usuario revelará un dato ( que se desconoce si sea verídico) en el que se reporta que el 41% de estás personas cometen suicidio después de pasados los 40 años.
-Me identifico como parte del LGBT y merezco el mismo respeto que los demás

-Ok 41%

-Soy bisexual algún problema con eso
- Momento 41%
by MrRazor May 30, 2020
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Is that what would constitute Maya? Or is that what you want?
Hym "I mean you seem to be having so much fun taking it for yourself... 41% is not that bad I suppose... All things considered... You haven't really done a while lot in terms of services rendered..."
by Hym Iam August 1, 2022
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41%, or the statistic of how many transgender people have attempted to commit suicide.

Sometimes used as a synonym for suicide.
by transliberationnow February 10, 2021
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close to the answer for Life, the Universe, and Everything
41 falls short of 42 by one forty-secondth of the ultimate answer: so close and yet so far

41 == pathetisad fail
by Hellion Shores January 13, 2013
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Forty plus one is FORTY ONE!

What’s wrong with 41?

by AnOrganism April 20, 2021
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A good looking or HOT, female. Used as a code so others will not know what you are talking about.
Look at that 41 behind us or thats a 41 at the door.
by Danley February 7, 2008
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