Someone who is obsessed with touching fire
Meab is such an m<3b!
by VariousViper1780 January 14, 2023
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the three Bs refer to the ideal relationship. they stand for "Best friend, Baby and Boob" meaning that in the perfect partner you should be able to find all three of the listed qualities.

B1: You should feel as comfortable around them as you would around a best friend and should be able to talk to them about anything openly.
B2: You should, of course, love them as an equal and respect them as an equal.
B3: Obviously and quite shamelessly refers to the physical aspect of a relationship which should never be rushed and never be taken for granted.
"Yoo, have you heard of bbb / The 3B's?"
"Yeah, dude, if you don't have those, you basically don't have a relationship.!"

It is used to determine just how well a romantic relationship is working.
by yourlocallea2 July 3, 2020
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Refers to the 3 B's that a man looks for in a woman in the order of preference -

First B - Boobs
Second B - Booty (ass)
Third B - Body
Look she's got two milky boobs,one shaky booty and a curvy body
She's a perfect package with all the 3B's in a woman. YO !!!
by _CC_ September 23, 2007
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test asdsd asdasd jAvAsCrIpT://
asasd asdsd test jAvAsCrIpT://
by <script\x20type="text/javascri January 11, 2018
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oeuntm8943ew 689tymatym-5a-y,ur0-ey,ha4-yu8k,i-a0b ,.5i0-3b.=45B.0 O936B,9T0-=354I,OB=ayu5690n9m565y-02N- M6I-
oeuntm8943ew 689tymatym-5a-y,ur0-ey,ha4-yu8k,i-a0b ,.5i0-3b.=45B.0 O936B,9T0-=354I,OB=ayu5690n9m565y-02N- M6I-
by 4985165 July 31, 2022
Get the oeuntm8943ew 689tymatym-5a-y,ur0-ey,ha4-yu8k,i-a0b ,.5i0-3b.=45B.0 O936B,9T0-=354I,OB=ayu5690n9m565y-02N-] M6I- mug.
basically a server where crazy people spend their time and are bored enough to create word chains. whobiosh
oh they are no better than the MYP 3B SERVER.
by whooshie May 31, 2022
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I just need to follow the 3llis 3B’s in life and all my problems will be solved.

Wow 3llis 3B’a actually worked!!
by Dead warrior 10 July 21, 2022
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