6'8" and ready to mate.
I am a follower of josh 3:14.
by trijosh June 4, 2023
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An Act of which one does something or someone with out though,

Also it maybe the finished product of over thinking.
"Dude why did you sleep with that chick last night?"

"Fair enough"
by TheXXXbear September 30, 2009
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That is a 3-21-14-20 right there!
by Mailknee August 18, 2022
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The banned Book of Pi, chapter 3, verse 14, where the prophet wrote: “I have seen and experienced all beautiful, irrational, imaginary, metamathematical, transcendental, and sacred things about the number π under the sun; all of them are man-made and meaningless, a chasing after the next mathematical shiny object.”
Does Pi 3:14 sound like a mathematical equivalent of Ecclesiastes 1:14, where King Solomon with all his wisdom and wealth concluded that all is vanity?
by Fasters January 13, 2022
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