A term used to describe the internet during the 1990s. This was before it started becoming more advanced and mainstream as time went on (that and people only used it for porn and black market goods).

It was also the birth of some famous websites like Google, Netflix, IMDb and even Urban Dictionary itself.
2010s kid: I really wish I could've been born in the 90s so that I wouldn't have been so consumed by the internet.

1990s kid: Uh, the internet did exist back in the 90s you know that? 1990s internet was just as slow as molasses and things like social media, online gaming and video sharing websites didn't even exist back then.

2010s kid: Are you serious? Well that honestly makes me even more jealous that I'm not a 90s kid because at least the 90s had internet that wasn't too prominent.

1990s kid: How do you think I feel? It was really hard for me to access information back then. Wouldn't it be easier to use the internet more responsibly and not become so addicted to it?

2010s kid: I get what you mean. It's just that nowadays the real world is an escape from the internet even though the internet was originally an escape from the real world. How ironic.
by CelticEagle February 11, 2019
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