Everytime I feel like it's over. Something reaches out.

I don't understand it. I've felt lost, like it's done over and over..

Each time I'm waiting for it to hit me. Truly.. hit me.

But it doesn't come. I have sad thoughts, being slowly forgotten, or not important enough to have been forgotten in the first place. Her moving on without me. Never getting to take her hand in mine.

Then I remember that smile.. her eyes.. the way they lit up for me. The way I felt mine light up for her. Only her..

The animal I become in her presence.. one look.. she unleashes something in me I've never known. I've never seen eyes do what hers have back at me.

It's just.. magic.

I think I'm starting to see. No matter what I read..
My heart can't believe that was nothing.

A few.. were just too intense. Everyone else in the room just disappeared.. silence and darkness everywhere.. except her.

I can't believe that was nothing. I don't think she does either.

Have you ever felt someone just look into you.. feel connected by a gaze.. the 2 of you alone.. time slowing.. the lights fade around you both.. you forget to breathe.. the feeling of something.. just pulling you deeper and deeper in..

A second (that feels like eternity) later it breaks, you forgot where you are, what you're doing, she makes me forget what my fucking name is. Everything around you starts to move again, regain speed, colour, sound.. as the moment passes.. and you're never the same..

Because all you want.. is more
1209 I don't know that it means anything..

It could all be coincidence.. but I never believed in those

I don't believe myself right now, but I know.. I still believe in her. I don't know what the means, if anything.. I just know that I do.

I didnt think I'd write today.. but.. 4am.. and I'm lay thinking of her. Same as last night.. same tomorrow night. Same, every single night since she came into my life.. and took over my world
by 4_u September 2, 2023
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My cue to leave the darn room as fast as possible
Some piano music began and MFX 1209 displayed on the screen, so I ran for the exit as fast as I could.
by TheRootSquad June 25, 2021
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