1. Zahar is a name for a male human. No girl or pet should ever be named Zahar, unless it is a giraffe. Usually the shy boy who ends up getting all the chicks, perhaps because his name is slightly exotic. Match made in Heaven is Khalla.

2. Term used for exotic & unusuall sex positions.
1. Ivaj: Damn it!! I never get any chicks!! That guy gets them all!!
Ogan: Me neither! But thats just cause he's name is Zahar.
Ivaj: Do you reckon if I change my name to Zahar it will get me chicks?
Ogan: No Way. I already tried it. :(

2. Man, last night Greg pulled a Zahar!
by Fat Bitchxxx November 14, 2008
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When you tell one person a secret, and then tell them not to tell anyone, and then they tell everyone in less than a day. Kind of like the water droplet effect.
Bob: "Don't tell that to anyone I want it to be kept a secret
Ben: "Don't worry, I won't do a 'Zahar'.
by MrQwertyuno November 2, 2009
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A russian kid that got by a girl named Kyla
zahar and kyla are breaking up

zahar is sad because him and Kyla aren't a thing anymore
by memoxxxtentacion November 1, 2019
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I kid that got sumoed by a girl named Kyla.
zahar and Kyla arent together anymore

Kyla left zahar.
by el que lea esto es puto May 15, 2020
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Persoana care isi dedicata obsesiv timpul liber la perfectionarea exagerata a unui hobby, de cele mai multe ori luand-ul pe acesta mult prea in serios astfel invatand terminologia tehnica, numeroase informatii si un set mare de skill-uri respective hobby-ului particular.

Des fiind complet lipsit de self awarness un copil de zahar nu realizeaza ca si-a pierdut timpul perfectionandu-si abilitatiile la un hobby casual, castigandu-si astfel titlul de "no-lifer" si "neckbeard".
-Hey! Padauan! Ce ai mai facut pe minecraft?
-Salut! ma numesc Padauan, fac crystal pvp, si am batut playeri zburand cu elytra la spawn din aer! am stat chiar jumatate de ora deasupra lor si nu au reusit sa ma omoare, apoi mi-am dat combat log haaah!! Am facut Stack de armura si dupe-uri!! Sunt epic gamer!!
-Ce copil de zahar esti, omfg get lif nub.
by Atodul the man himself October 7, 2020
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Persoana care isi dedica in mod exagerat timpul liber perfectionarii la un hobby casual, de aici si asemanarea cu acei copii de 12 ani care isi petrec zile intregi invatand tehnici de a face bunny hop pe counter strike si consumand zahar lichid sub forma de mountain dew.
-Salut Padauan! Ce ai mai facut pe minecraft?
-Salut! Eu sunt Padauan! Am facut crystal pvp si am folosit un dupe ca sa-mi fac armura stack, pe langa asta am zburat chiar jumatate de ora pe la spawn si nu m-a putut omora nici unul dintre inamicii mei!! Apoi mi-am dat combat log ca un boss!! Ma respecti nu?
-Nu Padauan, esti asa un copil de zahar!!
by Atodul the man himself October 7, 2020
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Sagur Zahar is a trany who keeps his life on the low. He likes majeed, adam and surya he likes to get ready for them.
Sagur Zahar likes kids alot and he gets ready for majeed for the afternoon to comfort him with his 2cm bananna
by ice bladez May 23, 2019
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