It's an Arabic letter pronounced like the letter "T" in English, this smile called the Arabic smile, it looks like a smiley face.
تسمى الابتسمة العربية وتستخدم للتعبير عن الوجه المبتسم عوضاً عن استخدام القوس والنقطتين :)
ابحث عن مقال "ابتسم بالتاء يا عربي" للمزيد !
I'm very happy ت
يا لسعادتي ت
by Suliman Alrumaikhan September 14, 2011
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“Do you really think that you are a legit father?”. This morphosyntax of the three basic Arabic consonants hold the meaning of a rhetorical question directed at the non merited father figure of the rhetoric. This ultimately means that Moroccan Darija is a very complex language yet has a concise and practical syntactical architecture.
ME: dad I need money to go to college.
Dad: NO.
ME: َّت َب ُت
by Houssamelrh September 27, 2021
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