Clearly a scrotum. It's been used that way since the old bulletin board days.
To an adversary: I'm going to kick you in the <3
by Holymagi November 25, 2016
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Less than 3.


Heart or Love. Used by losers because the only love they will probably get is from a computer.
2.9999 is less than 3

I <3 you guys. You are the only <3 I can get... now for some pr0n
by <3 is for 'losers' August 10, 2005
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I <3 You !
or I less than 3 you.
by Leviwiz January 3, 2007
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<3 is an ASCII representation of a heart used in online conversation, most commonly by girls.

Implies a playful or joking form of love, rarely used in conjunction with a person.
I <3 Orlando Bloom (not a serious love, for more equates to "admire")
I <3 this weblog layout!
by God.. December 1, 2005
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<3 is a combination of a lesser than symbol and the number 3. This combination makes a heart shape, the pointy end of the heart usually points to the one that the heart is intended for. <3 can be used to say I love you,and it can be used to exhibit your friends. All of this is usually done on an instant messaging program such as Yahoo Instant Messaging, or MSN hotmail.
1. Malinee <3 (u love Malinee)
2. Jessica, Jocelyn <3 (your friends)
by Max.X.Power April 7, 2006
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