Another name for Ayan S. (Indian celeb.) The word "groundforg" refers to a mashup of groundhog + forg (misspelling of "frog"). It is unclear whether a groundforg has a groundhog body and a frog face, or a frog body and a groundhog face. It is meant to be left to the imagination.

"Groundforg" is usually preceded by the superlative adjective "Kyootest," as in the case of its original subject, Ayan S.
Ayan S. is the (Kyootest) Groundforg in that story about the ferocious jungle animals with soft hearts.

Nobody is a kyooter groundforg than Ayan S., and that is a fact.

Very few groundforgs exist in the world, but Ayan is the #OG.
by yetanotheruswntmemepage May 16, 2023
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