sometimes sydney is a bit mean but she can yell really loud. she sneezes lots and lots and lots. she could tell you to shut up and do your work but not often. her dog is so mock chicken. my name is evan and this made my toes very happy but sometimes sydney neigum needs to PuT tHoSe GrIpPeRs AwAy.
that ladys dog is so mock chicken, her owner must be sydney neigum.
by ieatallthebabies May 9, 2022
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Slang term for the Ibis, an ancient species of bird, the population of which has soared in Sydney since the early 21st century saw a mass migration of the little cunts from western parts of the state, likely seeking cooler, moister climates and possibly employment. See Bin Chicken.
See that winged creature with the exposed brain feasting on trash over there? That's just an East Sydney Flamingo.
by InternetComedian October 13, 2018
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A girl that is sharing and very nice she can make you laugh anytime. She can make you fall dead laughing. She is bootiful and amazing and she always shares with those around her. But if she doesn't like someone she will never like that person.
by oml leave me April 25, 2022
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Sydney Jane Bailey is the full name of a woman. She is very intelligent, caring, and not to mention sexy. Sydney is a beautiful young woman who loves animals, and helping people. She is extremely creative, and will be extramly successful in her career, considering she is so persuasive. Sydney Jane Bailey loves the arts, for example music, poetry, painting, drawing, etc. Sydneys friends typically call sydney by her middle/ last name, especially considering all her names sound like first names. Sydney is a dreamer, and loves romance novels, but prefers magical books. She loves to read, and always daydreams about a better life. Sydney prefers to live in her own world of perfection, which is a huge problem to get work done sometimes. But Sydney always pulls through eventually to help everybody she can. She in French means wealthy, and she knows she will be one day, but will start off a bit rickety. Sydney is unique and a hard kind of person to find. If you ever have the chance to love a sydney Jane bailey, keep her! She will always love you back, no matter what.
Jeez, its time to give sydney Jane Bailey a promotion! She's going places. What a lovely girl.
by wooooowwww December 20, 2015
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a fat ugly whore skank bitch who will do any guy that comes along usually blonde and from marion loves family an singing
sydney hargraves is a hairy beast
by martha bendover August 18, 2008
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When a man squirts mayonnaise up his significant other's asshole. The person with the mayonnaise up their ass then farts as hard as they can with the intention of spraying the mayo into their partner's mouth
Damn that bitch willing to do anything. She even let me pull a Nasty Sydney!
by Dougus Dimmadomus November 21, 2020
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