return to springs from borderlands the pre sequel because return to springs
p1: hey what mission are u on
p2: return to springs
p1: return to springs?
p2: return to springs
by fortnite balls cum nugget August 2, 2021
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A place where cute saggin they pants boys live wit they barbie girls they head up to the park and play basketball , people who live here usually get drunk on the weekends cus there ain shit better to do.
by Looooverrrgirr April 11, 2011
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Signing the papers in the spring for a new snowmobile delivered in the fall.
I just spring checked for a '24 Polaris X650.
by Captain Dave March 28, 2023
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This ugly bitch that looks like she is about to lose all her hair by the age of 16 and is so fucking ugly that it makes you cringe and is so fucking annoying and should kill her self.
by kdad12345 April 17, 2017
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Da "wound up" feeling dat you experience when da snow starts to recede and da first green shoots of grass start coming up, making you feverishly compelled to go and check da tempered-steel coiled-wire components of your lawn and garden equipment to see if they still possess adequate pull, or if they are too saggy and weak to do their strong-and-quick-return-motion job anymore.
Da term "spring tension" and also refer to da yearly period when "young men's thoughts turn to love", and thus you are concerned dat if you manage to sneak a willing female home wif you, your parents --- or even worse, da girl's parents, if you two also end up at her house on some of da occasions when you "get it on" --- will hear da tell-tail squeaking of your mattress-coils.
by QuacksO June 14, 2023
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When a girl hangs out with like 50 guys instead of focusing on schoolwork.
Rimsha went on a thot spring with 50 guys, ahmed, dylan and john. Damn that girl was on the mean thot spring. It sure wasn't holy
by clutchboy7 September 28, 2015
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(Noun) when winter gets lazy
I am so sick and tired of this spring weather
by theovondictionary November 3, 2022
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