Because if you watch me make them, I have to kill you.
Dick: Hey, what are you doing in there?

Asshole: making murder biscuits
Dick: what?
Asshole: be right out!
by Ptolomy Fife November 15, 2018
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An agile meeting setup so stakeholders can get together and delete old items from the backlog that will never make it into the feature in development.
I’ll soon be setting up the Murder Party meetings in order for us to trim down the list of old backlog items.
by iluzions September 13, 2022
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Warning: This contains information on the psychopath we like to call, Boba Murderer. Boba was born on March 23rd, Boba has a very wild personality. Being the simp she is, she has a history of being a flirt in her real life school. Boba has threatened to break my ankles at least 200 times. Boba loves doing anything DreamTeam Related!! Her hobbies include: Binge watching minecraft manhunt, drawing, listening to music, annoying me, and playing minecraft! She likes calling me gay alot, i just don't mind and try to ignore it.
by PurplePotatoXD YT October 7, 2020
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Murder Monkeys are monkeys that have been turned down sex by another ape or said sex sucked. As they become Murder Monkeys, their heads inflate, their eyes bulge out of their heads, they start wearing bellhop clothing, grow thrice their height and knives materialize in their hands. They then set out to kill everything in their path. The only way to end their killing spree is terminal crack-cocaine. It'll calm them down before making them die.
by JG_DUCKY December 13, 2021
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Dallas is a scrawny little white boy with a crazy amount of drugs hidden in its ass
did you hear? Dallas, texas (the person not the murder) is going to jail again
by Varamochi April 3, 2022
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