this is similar to school in everyway except instead average people its for people who disobey the law
person A: ugh we have school today
person B:I think you mean child prison
by -Anna- March 3, 2021
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u searched the wrong word search up school and the right thing will show up
Johnson: look at that prison over there

Luke: isnt that called a school
by soumaya and tahir= April 8, 2021
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A place where criminals are housed

A place where kids are forced to go 5 days a week for 7 hours a day (also known as school)
Person 1: Gotta go back to prison tomorrow
Person 2: Really? Why?
Person 1: To “learn” and stuff a bunch of useless information into my brain
Person 2: You mean school?
Person 1: Yeah, same thing
by _word_guru_ February 25, 2020
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PINE SPRINGS PREP, it is terrible and I hate it here so much.
Mom: Have fun at Pine Springs Prep

Bernard: You mean prison and you can never have fun with that
by Bernard Spatez April 11, 2019
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Instead of putting child abusers and etc, they put actual children in to get mentally abused cuz why not
" School a.k.a Prison is trash "
by Just a Memer April 13, 2021
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It's like school, but you can't leave
whoops, I accidentally threw a Molotov through the window of a Seven-Eleven, guess I gotta go to prison now.
by EmptyHuskOfHumanity September 9, 2021
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You: Bro, you excited about our prison sentence ending in two days?
Your Friend: Prison sentence? We never went to prison.
You: I'm talking about school, dumbass!
Your Friend: Oh yeah, I'm so excited about that prison sentence finally ending after 18 years.
by VeeTHis December 12, 2017
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