A girl/guy who are really only interested in fellow enthusiasts that are way out of his league, because they do not have the funds or knowledge to properly modify their own car. They befriend members that have significantly nicer and highly modified vehicles and start constantly hanging around and taking photos with these members vehicles and posting said photos in an attempt to claim some of that attention for themselves. These leeches are typically so desperate to remain friends with these elite members, that they are willing to do absolutely anything to be allowed to continuing hanging around them. Frequently these individuals use their own ass in exchange for admission to the elite squad.

If played right by the guy with the ride, he gets to rail the other individual because they are so desperate to have friends that have a nice cars that they will allow anything.

"Use me for the ride, I'll use you for the hide"

-Sir Mix-A-Lot
"Man, you seen Asa lately?"

"who, that guy with the stock s4?"

"yeah, the one that keeps bragging about cars that aren't even his? "

"ooh yeah! He's the one that never shows up at any meets and always talks shit about everyone "

"damn, he doesn't even drive a nice car tho"
"Yea man he's a huge tire biter"
"Man, you seen Asa lately?"

"who, that guy with the stock s4?"

"yeah, the one that keeps bragging about cars that aren't even his? "

"ooh yeah! He's the one that never shows up at any meets and always talks shit about everyone "

"damn, he doesn't even drive a nice car tho"
"Yea dude, he's huge tire biter"
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When someone is chewing on a used condom with any amount of cum still inside of it
You just ate a used condom and now your a tire biter
by Bart Allen3212345 April 10, 2018
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A tire biter is a man who hangs around women who own fast/show cars/trucks, because he likes to fuck around with them and if they are taken he tries to get them to cheat on their partners.

Normally they like to try their luck with multiple women at once, in the same car club, either ruining friendships in a specific circle of friends or screwing ladies with a specific car. If they have any success, they brag about it afterwards, and accuse the ladies in the car scene of being loose and general being a double standarded sexist prick.
Laura: Have you seen that wanker Ben?

Ashley: Yeah he's been trying to get into the whole club's pants.

Laura: Fuck's sake, he's such a tire biter.

Ashley: Mhmm and then he goes around telling dudes our club are a bunch of sluts. Society is full of double standards. Bloody tire biters!
by _thethird_ May 15, 2016
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Worst than whiskey dick, limp dick or dead erection. Only happens in freezing weather.
when we got home last night, i was so ready to throw him down and hop on top but no such luck--he had a mccurry Alaskan flat tire :( waaaaah..
by DixxieCallahan February 2, 2016
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Known as a retread tire on a semi-truck
Holy fuck! A tire snake just took off our muffler! Or OMG! That tire snake just cracked our windshield!
by Dirtymyrtlelandshark September 1, 2022
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When you are so tired that you cant be dog tired anymore.
Wow after that marathon, I am bug tired!”
by Eborwick May 5, 2023
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Gino and Valenci got to burning tires and left the room smelling like a jimmy johns!
by Dockknocker12 May 20, 2023
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