Oliver is so Ramon when it comes to woman
by swvggyp December 7, 2016
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As in to ramone. Comes from the french meaning to clean or scrub but in english is slang for sex.
1:Dude! I totally ramoned Carrie last night!
2:Are you gunna ramone me or what?
by queen_mork January 1, 2007
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the ramones are god! oh yes...oh yes they are the best band ever to walk the earth
by zack May 14, 2003
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A really really really really realy sweet punk band and the originators of it

by Sean Barry April 28, 2004
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they are god. the beatles said they were bigger than jesus, well the ramones are god
by sdh July 10, 2003
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To ramone means to vigorously clean out a chimney...in other words, to have sex.
by Meeeeelia April 16, 2008
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A guy with a lot of passion, loves woman, no guys.
He is the type of guy thats really good at intro and love making.
Guy 1: Can i have free intro pls?
Ramon: No
Guy 2: *kills self*
Ramon: ...n't
Guy 2: This is so sad can we hit 12 year old kids
by NetherFX August 11, 2018
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