Design the Skyline is a 7 piece Experimental band formed in Corpus Christi, TX early 2010. They are most known for their great ability to merge the qualities of 8-bit soundtracks, microwave beeps, and your sink garbage disposal unit. It takes a very sophisticated individual to appreciate this unique style. Not to mention it is an acquired taste, much like malt liquor.
If you somehow, took the seven most musically challenged people in the world, gave them instruments, and told them to play, you would have Design the Skyline.

Q: What's worse than a barrel full of dead babies?
A: Design the Skyline
by Unbiased Music Observer May 29, 2011
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Undeniably the worst thing ever to happen to the metal scene. This shitty, unoriginal, emo/scene band released an abhorrent video of them performing a song called "Surrounded by Silence" and following the release was signed to Victory Records in late 2011, an event which brought almost universal negative responses. They have been described as the Rebecca Black of metal and it is a title that fits them perfectly, considering they have more haters than actual fans. They lack any sort of originality, and just end up sounding like all the other shitty bands of their genre, essentially making them a cookie cutter band, manufactured to cater brainless emo/scene morons who actually like their crap. The band members themselves look like something that was puked out of Brokencyde and then swallowed up by Blood on the Dance Floor and then puked out again. The same can be said about their "music" as well, if you could even call it "music". This is definitely a band that has sealed its reputation.
Metalhead: "Wtf? Who are these talentless emo fags?! They suck major donkey dick!"


Metalhead: *Knocks out DTS fan*

DTS fan: *Goes home crying and bleeding like a little emo bitch*
by VladtheRedEmperor October 13, 2011
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A game that's a city building game at first, but turns into traffic managing later on. Its a ok game overall with Steam mods. Also can be classified as a game where you wait for the massacre of citizens dying from natural causes.
Colleen: Sekou, how long are you playing that Cities: Skylines game?
Sekou: About 3 hours now.
Colleen: … What?
by Jaeger_Battalion December 3, 2020
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Proud to hold the RB30e, the R31 skyline has been known to be one of the most well-liked skylines. Holden has taken this great car and trashed it by putting the nissan parts into the VL.
WTF is that sweet car...... ohh its the R31 skyline....niiiiice
by Browny September 6, 2003
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The pure core and heart of Floraphilia. A popular figure on Twitter and Rule34 under the skyline_comet and solar_flare tag.
Person 1: Oh man! Skyline comet just made new art!

Person 2: I think you need help John.
by TheMemeReformer February 17, 2021
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Vehicle manufactured by Nissan in the late 80's.
Available in wagon, coupe, and sedan variations.
1) That R31 Skyline is phat!
2) My R31 Skyline puts VL's to shame
by SKY031 September 6, 2003
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1) A chain of chili joints found in the "Chili Joint Capital of the World," Cincinnati. The chili itself is tasty, but unfortunately resembles what goes in the toilet the day after a long night of drinking Budweiser and eating burritos.

2) Instant and unforgiving laxative, only $5.99 for a huge plate.
1) I just stopped at Skyline, and almost shit myself on the way home.

2) I just stopped at Skyline, and almost shit myself on the way home.
by DoctorThrottle April 29, 2004
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