Trying to talk trash over the internet to get your internet reputation up.
nerd:dude you suck i pwn you!
dude:your trying to boost your e-rep
by hahahahahhahahauywhdysjadwad January 22, 2008
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a genuine loser who regularly puts his reputation and the people he hangs ot with ..down. he is usually avoided even though he might not be a bad person. rep downs are usually geeks rep downs and retarded gangsters and chavs though it can be anyone.
1. im not going out with that guy he puts the rep down
by jonny2010 November 23, 2010
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the dawning realisation that two or more people have conspired to either enhance or degrade your 'reputation' status on the ubiquitous vBulletin forum software.
Gang Repped or Gang Repping is common on many forums.
by rebel1 June 14, 2008
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When you wanna go a lil harder at the gym so you add one more rep to your set of 12 reps
Dude, nothing burns more than the borbz rep!
by Nebulas.05 August 28, 2023
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To space out on one's job responsibilities; or, to be missing from one's desk for long, unexplained periods of time.
BOSS: "Where the hell is Mitch? The system is down and the users are screaming!"
MITCH'S CO-WORKERS: "He's on a rep ride."


SALLY: "Did you see the look on Mitch's face when I asked him that question in the meeting?"
JOHN: "Yeah. Total rep ride."
by Annoyed with Mitch August 24, 2005
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A person who is obsessed with their status on an internet forum so bribes/ does favours for members of that forum in an attempt to achieve higher rep points. I on the other hand am simply a whore and proud of it.
gemgems: I love Israel
vienna: Why so do I, i would rep you, but i am not a rep whore. My life only exists on an internet forum in which i am a complete bitch, and have no real friends or a job!
by vienna95 September 7, 2005
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A very annoying person that will not leave you alone until you have paid them a small fortune for something you will never use or need.
hello sir im a sales rep, how would you like to but a chocolate hair dryer it works miracles on your hair

alrite how much

£250 its a bargain and i'll throw in a free liquorice extension cable

by boredashell0788 October 29, 2005
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