Nasty hatchet faced scumbag who has a hatred for mankind and nothing else better to do with his/her life than stamp yellow penalty tickets on folks cars that have to work for a living and find it impossible to do so nowadays cos of petty rules and regulations designed to make parking impossible without forking out a small fortune.
Traffic Wardens also fit into the category of total Jobsworths who relish pissing people off and then carry microcameras and recording eqiupment to further punish the irate motorist angry that he has been ticketed for going 1 minute over time on the parking meter.
Like the Dinosaurs, they are tyrants who will sooner or later be made extinct.
Oh fuck, there's the Traffic Warden, better go and put another small mortgage in the meter to last the next ten minutes!
by stevie-J August 25, 2007
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a rare phenomena in which a woman has produced all 3 colours of a traffic light in her toilet. can only occur if she has her period, her pee is yellow, and for some reason she had one of those green shits.
girl: oh man! i dropped my glasses in the toilet the other day and it was after i filled it with everything a girl could possibly fill it with!

guy: oh, you mean had traffic lights?

girl: what?!?! where did you get that word?
by steg0saur August 4, 2008
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Katie: I'm totally gonna hook up with Andrew tonight!
*Helen approaches*
Helen: Hey Katie! I bought us this boxed set of Sex and the City DVDs...we have to watch it tonight!

Helen is thus a traffic twat because she prevented Katie from getting ass tonight.
by Twatty McGiggles August 31, 2010
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A game played between two people as a way of exploring intimate things.

Green - Good, great, comfortable with it
Yellow - This is okay, feeling a little out of my comfort zone
Red - I don’t like this, can we stop?
Person 1: I touch you first, you say a colour and then you touch me. We can stop at anytime. It’s called traffic lights. Okay?

Person 2: Okay.
by Random person 7474 April 8, 2021
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That girl that is so perfect shes almost a god, you don't dare mention her name for fear of her rejecting you but you love her so, she is amazong and though there are many cones out there only one is yours...and you hope to have it till the end of time.
"Yeah bro did you see my Traffic Cone? Shes a real beauty"
by JohnnyKallDay January 28, 2018
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When you are stuck in stop-go traffic and your foot gets really tired from switching from the gas to brake pedal so rapidly.
Man, I hope this traffic ends soon. I'm getting some bad traffic foot.
by KTMcEntee January 14, 2014
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When someones locker is adjacent to yours, and they block you from getting to it, while they are doing the same to their neibghboring locker, thus causing locker traffic in the halls.
Man, i was tryin to get to my locker yesterday, but this dude was cutting of the person on top of mine, and i was stuck in 10min locker traffic.
by Smart Fart33 January 8, 2010
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