To press or click on a button on the Internet. Redneck slang from South Georgia.
Bubba said I need to mash dat buddon to get that there internet to work.
by BillyBob April 3, 2005
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The feeling you get after you have been roasted and you don't have a comeback.

The state of being confused.
Oh wow Jackie just got roasted. Look at her face she is so mashed right now.
by Barb E. Dohl March 9, 2017
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Jim: Yo i was smoking like 5 joints at once i was mashed
by AnalBeads98 February 19, 2017
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lemme grab my mash and dump lead in dem boy
by Gage211 December 31, 2008
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a gun of any kind.

derived from 'machine' as in machine gun/machine pistol

slang mainly used in the Greater London Metropolitan Area
"Keep getting lippy bruv', I'll back out my mash and show you who's top dog round these ends."
by Vexatha October 13, 2023
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Then I mashed through that party and mashed all the way home and hell dogg i mashed her all night long
by Krumples August 28, 2003
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