When something is absolutely extreme, or too much for someone to handle
Oh my gosh, Lilly is so S P I C Y
by **tskgucci@snapchat909 December 20, 2018
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Big, Curvy and Sexy. Used to describe a woman with a sexually appealing body. Typically, the woman will have an hourglass or pear-shaped figure, with particularly large buttocks and thighs.
damn, that bitch T H I C C af
by Saint__Thiccolas February 27, 2018
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the one guy who has hairy legs, and really much flesh on his legs :> (and wearing sexy clothes)
fuck, nigger, nigglet, thicc, t h i c c, alexander, i, dali, graversgaard
by fatmanmcjoke September 4, 2018
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Girls who have big ass and guys stare at it

Guys like T H I C C hoes
Marteen : Damn She T H I C C
Syafiqah : Say What Now?
Abdullah : Shit RUN
by SomeGuyWhoHatesSharvin February 23, 2019
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Nigga 1:Damn you peep that girl over there

Nigga 2:Which one?

Nigga 1:The one in the red

Nigga 2: I see that bitch

Nigga 1:That ass fat huh?

Nigga 2: Hell ya she got the B I G T H I C C
by TheGODdrew December 10, 2017
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Short for I hope you get cancer so you don't get your sorry ass banned of league of legends
Teemo: GG mid 0/10 gap
Kassadin: I hope you get c
by fart138949019 September 28, 2022
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