To venture out with the intention of achieving absolute drunkedness.
guy 1 'Hey man what time does the party start?'

guy 2 'pfft who cares? I'm getting on it now!'
by grunka lunka September 5, 2009
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boy: girl you gonna let me "get it in"?
girl: of course i am.
by slutmuffinn November 9, 2009
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Typically used to wrap up a Formula 1 race.
Get in there Lewis!
by Dzbaniel July 14, 2019
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A simple typo of No kidding...kind of like how Own=pwn...but better...
Steve: Dude, I just scrogged Felicia the other day
Hugh: No getting dude?
Steve: No getting.
Hugh: That's awesome
by Justin Spiewak January 21, 2007
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These two words are a prefix of a wide variety of words in the dialect of people from Hedon, East Yorkshire. They are often used in a forthright way, and are an instruction for someone to do something.
Instruction to a child unwilling to wear a particular garment such as a scarf or balaclava - "Get it worn."
Instruction to a child to finish their tea - "Get it eaten."

Seen scrawled with chalk on a blackboard in a pub in Hedon - Get it Fingered.
by GYUK August 2, 2014
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A recent usage borne of the internet. Exact source and date yet undetermined.

1. Used similar to the past tense "... acquired" after a noun-phrase. Usually with a comma separating.

2. Also used when listing completed acquisition tasks in a set, as an alternative to saying "Check!" Sometimes with a colon instead of a comma.

3. Used similarly to answer a question regarding an acquisition or success. Though often this question is hypophoric, replacing the comma in definition 1 with a question mark.

Always in a positive context, related to the achievement of some desired goal.
"Paycheck, get!"
"Pizza, Get!"

"Job: Get! Car: Get! Girlfriend: Get! Life: GET!"

"How was your night with Jennifer?" "Get!"
"Cheeseburger? Get!"
by hushedLecturer June 14, 2013
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