To betray your friends by making them seem cartoonish.
Ian you’ve flanderized me”
by Dragontareuca June 29, 2023
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Religion that prohibits shaving of facial hair that pays respects to the Flander god accepting of all sexuality's and genders.

1. Don't kill
2. Don't shave

3. like good people
4. Love flander
I love Flanderism he's my god.
by Flanderism August 20, 2021
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He isn't gay.
Ya boi Mitch Flanders bout to fuck the whole game up.
by Cameron CoIe August 4, 2011
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A sex act in which the male heats up a needle then carefully puts it inside the urethra without touching the walls, then pisses so that the heat of the needle and coolness of the urine mix inside the penis. The male then tasers his balls and ejaculates into another male’s nostrils
Zort: aye bro I Flubby Flanders’d your dad last night

Dude 2: Without me?
by Queef’s Throwaway March 6, 2023
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