A variation of "Drop off the Cosby kids at the pool", whereas dropping off the Cosby kids and the pool means having diarrhea.
*storms for the bathroom* "OUT OF MY WAY!"
"Why? Do you have to drop off the Cosby kids at the pool?"
"Worse. I have to drop off the Cosby kids AND the pool!"
"Uh...okay, then. Good luck with that."
by NotCaptainSlow December 18, 2012
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1.) To defecate, take a crap, take a dump, etc.
It may be helpful to note the dark brown color of feces, and a toilets natural resemblance to a pool.
I really have to go to the bathroom!...Im going to drop off the jackson kids at the pool as soon as I get home!
by Pacificus May 8, 2006
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