Verb or noun. To Craig: to have sexual intercourse withtout proper protection. i.e. a condom. Inspired by former professionnal hockey player, coach and executive Craig Mctavish, last NHLer to play without a helmet. Expression used in certain regions of hockey-mad Canada as well as Belgium. A close analogy is drawn here between the protection offered by hockey helmet and the one provided by a condom, which might be referred to as a "penis helmet".
"Chuck craiged a bagger last night, I really hope she was clean". "Another craig? No wonder your balls hurt!"
by LeDawg December 6, 2009
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When a bro bails on another bro for a hoe
James is craiging on us for that bitch. Josh just craiged on us for his girlfriend!
by xamboni11 February 19, 2011
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A group of close friends brought together by one individuals illicit sexual misfortune. Often involving taking another persons hand and placing it over your pelvic region while waving the other hand wildly in the air in excitement.usually occurring during foam parties on remote islands.

Also a dance move that can be done in a congo line.
mambo sucks, lets do the craigs!
by tanyikming April 30, 2008
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Someone who consistently marks or scores lowers than those around him (or her), and saves their '10s' or perfect scores for very rare occasions.
Ref: Craig Revel Horwood, a judge on the popular UK TV show, 'Strictly Come Dancing'.
He said my report could have been better written, but I think he was just being a bit of a Craig.
by kerfoofle November 24, 2010
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Friend 1: let's hit the bar tonight

Friend 2: Is craig coming out with us?
by Cute little bitch xo October 26, 2019
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A Craig is someone who impregnates girls of younger age, sometimes several generations below them.
Oh look at that couple she's totally been Craig'd

She's how old? That's half his age. What a Craig.
by MilMulligan September 12, 2019
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