The moniker given to New York Governor Elliot Spitzer by the Emperor's Club VIP. Now used to talk about anyone of high social standing when situtations dictate discretion.
The Cooker: "You here about this situation with Gov. Spitzer?"
Pete Dick: "You mean client number nine?"
The Cooker: "Oh yeah, my bad."
by Pete Dick March 10, 2008
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Hael9 client is a hack client client in the game Minecraft produced by the developer hael9, during the development multiple skyblock players such as egom, averagesweat and, zethrow9 were caught red-handed abusing the client which led to bans or was never caught although it is still banned many people still have the client in their heart and still claim they did not use it
"bro egom was haeling that terminal we should ban him"-non hacker

"i was false banned for hael 9 clienting"- AverageSweat
by egomstan5069 April 29, 2021
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1) Former NY governor Elliot Spitzer, who was given this designation by a call girl ring to protect his identity.
2)What one pitcher calls the opposing pitcher in the National League when he homers off of him. Cause he's his bitch.
3)A John who can manage to move his bowels 4 1/2 times during a single session with a prostitute.
1) Madam- Take client number nine tonight, and wear make him wear a rubber helmet.
Hillary (not her real name)- Good thing you're not running the witness protection program.
Madam- Shut your pie hole, and get on your back!
2) In 2001, Mike Hampton was client #9 to seven hurlers, but he was playing in Colorado, where I think prostitution is legal.
3) Madam- Take client number nine tonight, and bring some baby-wipes.
Hillary- **GROAN***
by wisk March 13, 2008
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A modded client for the game Minecraft, the purpose is to provide a cheating experience, things which are hard to do in vanilla, or impossible.
That guy is using a Minecraft Hacked Client, he’s hacking!
by PlaneKLM April 15, 2022
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The process by which would-be difficult or annoying clients magically disappear in a Darwin-like fashion and only the fittest clients survive.
Thank goodness for client natural selection. Even after just one conversation it was clear that client would have been a real pain to work with!
by bobo76 November 22, 2013
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a common excuse used by faggots on the internet who are getting their shit pwnd
I'd love to hang around & talk about how shitty my boarding is, but I've g2g make some client calls
by skallywagz December 9, 2009
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