When you are relaxing to the point that no person or reason can possibly compel you to relocate or do anything. Not to the point of a coma-like chill state, but more a presence of mind defying anyone to stop this chill session.
Laying by the pool with some drinks....chillin' tough.
In a recliner watching TV...chillin' tough.
by Bacne June 26, 2010
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Being in a total state of relax. Expresses the person is extremely chillin or in a maximum state of chill.
Can also be expressed as "Chillin in ma bones"
"Charlie smoked a couple doobskins and he is chillin in the bones"
"I hit that bong earlier and I'm chillin in the bones"
by NachoPepe April 8, 2021
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Zhong Xina

🥶🍦bing chillin🍦🥶
🥶🍦bing chillin🍦🥶
by Zhong Xina bing chillin November 23, 2021
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maintaining a level of laziness, chillin', chillaxin', relaxin', doing nothin, lazin' around, being lazy, just havin fun....
dan and steve were at adams house chillin stediez
by Mames September 24, 2003
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The act of raging, goin H.A.M. and or partying on a wednesday with your crew and some fine ass honey dips instead of being at school.
boobie: yo u study for that math test?
cg-balla: nah i completely forgot
boobie: its all good cause we aint going to class today its wednesday, which means humpday chillin!!!
cg-balla: oh tight ill hit up becky, callie and olivia
by BoobieM October 5, 2011
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A euphemism used by someone who has nothing to do (especially on a weekend night) to express their activities. Also "kickin' it at home", usually meaning the person concerned was unable to make plans. This term can appear in casual conversation as well as in an AIM/MSN or facebook status.
Guy 1: So what did you do on Saturday night?
Guy 2: I was just chillin' at home.
by so_much_procrastination March 5, 2009
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