A warrior of the night

Started as a fad in the late 1970s to terrorize those who had not yet expirenced the german Sausagefest it escaladted into a full blown culture storm centered in San Fransisco where acts of terror are preformed every night
dude, i just got owned by a Butt Pirate
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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a Pirate of the Anal courters
IIIIII laddy, your butt Pirates are hard at work
by Jo jo bono June 4, 2003
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An individual that immensely enjoys raiding someones' puckered poopy pocket searching for gold, easy work, or just for pure enjoyment.

A slowik. A slowy.
You freak, you're such a slowik.
by broccoli March 19, 2005
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Someone obsessed with raping and/or touching someones ass. They like digging for "treasure" in someones anus. Also known as Faggots, butt pirates usually are fucked up in the mind.
Guy 1: Dude i heard Nick was a butt pirate!
Guy 2: I knew that fag was one! I heard he found treasure in Jake's asshole
Guy 3: He is really fucked up, I am staying away from both of those qweefs.
by Tennis1277 April 1, 2009
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One who travels from island to island Plundering Booty
"Argh, Time to plunder me some booty!"
-butt pirate
by Zach B November 19, 2004
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