1) A total and complete Loser; Deadbeat

"A man who hits women and vice versa is just a damn flop."

"He's not right for you. That guys a fucking flop!"

synonyms: failure, disaster, debacle, catastrophe, LOSER, be unsuccessful, fail, not work, backfire, be a disappointment, do badly.
A man who hits women and vice versa is just a flop.

"He's not right for you. That guys a fucking flop!"
by CMBADVOCATE March 3, 2018
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1) A total and complete Loser; Deadbeat

"He's not right for you. That guys fucking flop!"

synonyms: failure, disaster, debacle, catastrophe, LOSER, be unsuccessful, fail, not work, backfire, be a disappointment, do badly.
A man who hits women and vice versa are just damn flops.

"He's not right for you. That guys fucking flop!"
by CMBADVOCATE March 3, 2018
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An individual who abuses women. A LOSER, a failure.
A flop is any man who abuses women or stays silent while the abuse takes place.
by CMBADVOCATE March 1, 2018
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when something is horrible, unlikable or doesnt do good.
The Weeknd: omg idk why Rayn likes me she such a flop she needa go somewhere else with her flopness.
by dustin mathes April 5, 2023
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Someone who hopelessly fails constantly
Bernie Campa IV is such a flop
by Bernardinosdaddy March 25, 2016
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A flop is a dropkick, which is someone thats not going to get anywhere in life.

It can also mean a fat person but not many people use it that way
You know Lachlan in our class? Hes such a flop
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