A really nice girl who is not selfish and likes a guy named Geo
Did you see Vivian and Geo hold hands in the halls
by Random person 112 November 21, 2016
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It can also be feminine as well masucline (e.g. Vivian Richards the west indies cricket player) a great guy ,listens to people paitently ,is a real good boyfriend who wants character over flesh .Epic kisser knows a lot of kissing styles and techniques.Lucky is the girl who finds him .
Omg ! Vivian takes psych to a new level

You're dating Vivian! ,I am jealous
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She is kind but sometimes she can be a demon queen to the boys
Dude 1: why is that girl so kind?
Dude 2: are you kidding me? She just beat the shit out of me two days ago. She is VIVIAN
by BigDickElmo July 23, 2019
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A typical crackhead mum who has 2 emo kids and has no friends
by Muey July 8, 2019
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1. A very annoying person. She repeatedly uses puns and tries to make people happy, but others are secretly annoyed by her.
2. A terrible friend. Her "friends" don't like her because she is usually more wise than humorous, even though she tries to be both.
3. A depressing person. Vivians sometimes suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia, anorexia, and other harmful diseases. Another reason why her "friends" leave her is because she always puts herself down.
4. A musically talented being. She plays several instruments and tries to be vocal.

5. A responsible student and daughter. She has the ability to take care of herself and get work done on time.
6. A caring figure. She is very friendly to everyone (people, animals, environment, etc.) no matter who they are and what race, gender, or religion they're in.
Psychiatrist: "Do you remember when Vivian's appointment was?"

"Friend": "I really want to leave Vivian. She's really annoying. I think that she says bad things about herself so that we feel sorry for her. When do you think will be the best time to leave?"

Teacher: I'm surprised she got all of her work done.

Parent: This dinner was very good, Vivian.

Activist: And we would like to thank Vivian for her contributions toward the end of child labor.

Orchestra Conductor: Take a bow, Vivian.
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The cute girl in class that everybody likes, and has the big friend group.
Friend: hey, you know that girl vivian?
you: yeah, she cute
Friend: I think she likes you
you: Really? I like her
friend: you should ask her out
by The Cute One In The Red Hoodie November 19, 2020
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