the feeling after you do something stupid, that if you didnt have such big ego, your wouldnt of done
When the girl was trying to be funny, she anounced the inside joke to the class, to which she got no laughter. She then felt salty.
by Kevin April 4, 2004
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1. something that has salt in it

2. uncool, lame, loser-ish, stupid.
1. Pretzels are very salty when there from Aunt Annies.

2. Why are you acting so salty?

She felt as salty as can be when i tripped her in Biology.
by veronicadelilahrawrr January 24, 2010
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when a bro ditches his friends for a girl
mark: where is jason?
chris: he went to go fuck holly
mark: he is so salty
by soufpaw8 January 10, 2011
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When someone is agitated, butt hurt, angry, or annoyed.
Jimmy~ What's up with Arnulfo?

Patrick~ He's just being salty because he lost.
by PartyPat March 5, 2015
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A term popular among firefighters, to describe a firefighter who is aged and/or very experienced. It also describes a firefighter who is bitter because of his career choice.
One:Hey Captain, who is the SOD guy replacing our engineer.

Two:Oh you mean engineer McGuiness?

One:Damn I hate that salty firefighter. He is so old.

Two:Show him respect he was one of the first to respond to the metro crash.
by MrMiami June 7, 2012
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Tristan shouted "Salty" after playing a dating simulator.

Abundo was not noticed by senpai, which has caused him to feel salty.
by SmartGuy1 March 1, 2015
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A stupid word made up by kids who play video games all day that they say means "mad" or "angry". Salty is a taste, not an emotion. Someone can't be a taste.
Why are you salty?
by Laddy16 March 19, 2016
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