Post Masturbation Shame. The feeling of guilt or depression often experienced by males following a frantic masturbation session.
{Housemate Darren storms out of his bedroom past Mandy and Mark in the lounge room to have a smoke outside.}
Mandy: {to Mark} What's he (Darren) so grumpy about?
Mark: Must be that time of the day.
Mandy: Huh?
Mark: It's his PMS.
Mandy: {Laughs}
Mark: I don't think you understand.
by UrbanDave July 29, 2006
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"Pre-Menstrual-Syndrome" aka "Pardon My Sobbing", "Perpetual Munching Spree", "Pass my Sweatpants" .... The time of the month in which the female gets very moody, vicious, insane, psycho, bitchy...etc.
"Do you have anymore chocolate covered french fries? I'm pms'ing"
by ** Tracy ** May 16, 2006
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When your friend has major mood swings, from being excited and running around like a bumble bee, to sitting there with a grouchy look on her face saying she hates her life.
Me: Why don't we go do something today?
Her: SURE! Sounds great!
Her: Do i look okay?
Me: Of course! You look fine, lets go.
Her: No, i dont want to, i look ugly, my nose is huge, and i have zits everywhere.
Me: Really, you look fine, come on lets go.
Her: STOP BEING SO PUSHY! God just leave me alone!
Me: Just go take a Midol miss PMS, and lets go.
by mmhmyouknow. February 7, 2010
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when someone shows you a funny relatable meme and you say pm
by ceraya sweeney April 27, 2018
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a period of time girls go through when they are mean and emotional but it's hard so guys take it into consideration when we're sending mix emotions we can't control it . it's nature , just send us long texts and give us junk food and hug us. we need your love.
by Amanda ann marie January 13, 2016
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Something that occurs to a girl before her period that gives her emotional, physical and spiritual pain no one can understand or interpret. Please do not get on her nerves when she is pmsing she does not mean it, everything is like 100% more annoying than normal. If she is pmsing just be with her and let her know that you are there for her. Just do not take anything she says personally.
by Lil Arcy Day March 16, 2019
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PMS = Pre Menstrual Syndrome
*A way to avoid PMS is to have PMS. Let me explain.

To Avoid Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) you should have Pre Marital Sex (PMS).

And by the way.... Men are right about PMS, I am a complete Psycho Bitch when I have PMS! And I think everyone around me when I'm PMSing suffers more than me! Duh, it's not that bad for me, thats why they make Midol! But I do have a correction, it's not just men us PMSing women get mad at, its any person or object that pisses us off for any reason.
My Shrink: Megan, what the fuck? your dad tells me you threw a computer out the window last week? Lets talk about it.

Me: Yeah. I was PMSing.

My Shrink:O. Nevermind then, that explains it all!!
by Blackthorn7861 June 25, 2007
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