Acronym, usually on IM
'Till Tomorrow
Julia: cya l8r!
Anna: tt!
by }:-) June 6, 2007
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TT can be short for TikTok
Have you seen that TT dance or Can u send me that TT that we made
by m-to-the-b November 12, 2021
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Abbreviation for turntables. In the DJing world, turntables are referred to as TTs or decks
The aspiring DJ went out and bought a pair of TTs.
by Dj Stranger March 30, 2006
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TT = Team top. Shon smiths "gang" that supposedly gets top from girls. Really, only a few of them pull and actually get top. Many people dislike TT but others are obsessed with them.
by Shahabkaiagaba January 9, 2017
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Slang used on msn and chatrooms, usually used with BRB (be right back) to explain your going to the toilet. Stands for toilet time.
Yeah id love to. brb TT
by DaisyPants April 21, 2010
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TT is an acronym that means too turnt originated from Brampton, Canada
Donald: Yo that party was lit last night

Trump: ya dawg I was TT
by Beef ting dawg March 26, 2017
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"Totally Tits"

TT is the abbreviation of Totally Tits, to be used easily in common conversation.

The logic goes something like this:

Tits are good
If something is good (ie hot girl), she is "Tits"
Thus, if something is "Totally Tits", it is a very good thing.

Isn't limited to usage when complimenting a member of the opposite sex.
"Check that hot slut out" "Whoa, she's TT"

"Holy crap, these baked goods are TT"

"That concert was TT!"
by dansaunders40 June 14, 2004
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