An internet slang, which is a common title in many sh*tpost-like videos involving the video-game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Examples of Revengeance status are well known in meme culture such as Raiden punching Armstrong and THERE WILL BE BLOODSHED.
That Revengeance status video got me laughing so much!
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On Facebook, to re-post someone else's status as your own status. Similar to a retweet, but preceded by SS. Can be followed by the re-poster's own comment.

Official Form: SS @Original Poster: Original Poster's Status <<< Re-Poster's Comment (optional)
Larry's Status: I'm loving this new EA Game

Courtney's Status after seeing Larry's: SS @Larry: I'm loving this new EA Game


Courtney's Status after seeing Larry's: SS @Larry: I'm loving this new EA Game <<< I bought the Collector's Edition

Shared Status has just occurred
by CM Joker December 15, 2009
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Being satisfied with the amount of comments and likes recieved on a facebook status.
Facebook user: Wow 46 likes and 123 comments. now thats status-faction
by diego montanegro March 1, 2010
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A reaction status is a Facebook status posted purely because the person posting it is aware that it will have a reaction (a large number of comments/likes)

A common 'reaction status' is seen after a popular TV show, when people post funny lines from the show knowing that people will be logging into Facebook shortly afterwards.
"How good is half term?" (obviously half term is good, but why would you say this for any other reason than to get a reaction? Reaction Status.)

"Remember when everyone used to have a Nokia 3310?" (The person posting this knows everyone had a 3310. They said so in their post. So why ask? Reaction Status.)

*any line from The Inbetweeners* (People posting these know large numbers of people watch The Inbetweeners, and often actually race to be the first to post a funny line, in order to secure the most comments/likes. Reaction Status.)
by OhTheDamageIsDone October 24, 2010
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When Some one on any site, decides to post lots of statuses after they just got done with a status becuase they got alot of like on the first one, or some one liked it who they like
Status from such and such: im tired., idont feel good,. like for a tbh., like for a rate., like for what i like about you
* He Over status
by Billando October 31, 2011
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Derived from the term "Belieber", a term for a highly obsessive fan of canadian pop musician Justin Bieber, the state in which one is highly obsessive with any musician, athlete, actor, or celebrity in general.
Guy #1: Ay brah, I just got "OVOXO" tattooed on my back! YOLO!

Guy #2:'re on Belieber status when it comes to Drake...Hop off his dick.
by Cazius Cray February 12, 2013
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Being the type of person (loser/average) that will end up being an employee as opposed to a "boss". Usually used to demean someone else and to make the point that they are inferior to you.
Wow that guy is such a fucking loser. Employee status for life.
by Senvik April 25, 2011
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