to excrete from the anus in such a manner that it is somewhat like spewing
i just had a huge anal spew
by addz December 8, 2004
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Where fully sick dudes each bring $2 and drink a combination of Orange Juice and Milk while running around in the sun and who ever the first to spew gets all the money.
Dude 1: "Hey are you in for the Spew Fest on tomorrow"
Dude 2:"Yeah double points if you spew on liana!"
by icY_Cam October 26, 2006
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The goo that sneezes out of your shvonce at climax.
Dat bitch gargled my bong spew before she chunked it down her throat.
by LeadMerchant November 26, 2004
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to be sick on purpose with the intention to carry on drinking even more alcohol
fuck me man, i was so fucking cunted last night i had 15 tactical spews just to make it past 10 o'clock.
by jody October 30, 2003
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When having sex in a doggystyle fashion, the male will only have one chance for a Mountain Spew. Upon entry, the male must ram his cock into her Vascular Chasm Cavity as hard as possible, if upon impact the female screams and saliva exits the mouth, the male has successfully completed the Mountain Spew. Also see Mountain Spew: Code Red.
Jane: Fuck you Clark, that really hurt!!!
Clark:(on phone) DUDE!!! I DID IT!!! I DID THE MOUNTAIN SPEW!!! And it might have been a Code Red!!!
Jane: (crying) You asshole! I'm gonna tell everyone that you have Genital Warts!!
(Superman then ripped her in half)
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Upon going to sleep with a cold the mucus from your nasal drip slowly seeps into your bowels, resulting in the semi digested mucus exploding from your rectum. The mucus is likely to grab and carry the remnants of previous shits with it into the toilet. The mucus gathers on the surface of the water, creating snowflake like formations.
Spewer: OH MIEN GOT! Come and see the muc'n spew i just made!
Shit enthusiast: Wow, it's like a winter wonderland in your shitter! It's beautiful.
by The Raunchicor April 8, 2007
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when assholes add words to urban dictionary before you can get to them and they are far worse than your original idea ever was.
i was going to add mayor mccheese to urban dictionary but some asshole poop spewed me.
by nevasboy February 23, 2004
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