Scarlet Witch's powers are telekinesis and mind control. She can also fly.
She gained her powers after some sort of experiment wich included the Mind Stone.
Is in team Captain America.
Is one of the most powerful Avengers.
Outlived brother Quicksilver and boyfriend Vision.
Brave, fierce, sarcastic and strong.
Also known as Wanda Maximoff
Played by Elizabeth Olsen

"You took everything from me!"
"I don't even know who you are"
"You will."
Scarlet Witch and Thanos in Avengers: Endgame
Scarlet Witch suffered a lot.
Quote by Scarlet Witch:
After this... I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but... that's not what everyone else see.
-Captain America: Civil War
by Wanda Maximoff June 28, 2019
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someone who you can never get hold of when you need them.
*Knock at door*
Rob: fuckin hell look taylor's here not seen him for months
Steve: haha fucking hell yeah scarlet pimpernel
by Josh k3lly March 20, 2008
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1b. Satan, The Great Devourer, the Beast of the Bottomless Pit.

Referenced in the popular SCPs 231, 2317 and 3838, and 20-1000 minor tales.

Weakened by multiple things relating to the number seven.

Servants are Dr. Wilson of Site-23 (cuz hes a dumbass lol geddit), Moloch, Lord Goran, many satanist cults most famous being the Children of the Scarlet King, Jeser the Prince of Many Faces, the Hanged King of Alagadda, SCP-3838-8 and SCP 682, and the biggest followers of him of all, subscribers to r/okbuddyretard and goths, especially goth girls.

1b. Dr. Wilson from Site-23's waifu.
1a. The Scarlet King is quite evil.

1b. Dr. Wilson you bitch you got my coffee wrong again. Your waifu the Scarlet King should dump you soon.
by DrWilsonIsGae September 8, 2019
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Steven has a bad case scarlet fever, the last three girls he went with were all redheads.
by Amazing AO October 6, 2005
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a fiction character created by baroness orczy. an english dandy who leads a secret life saving french aristocrats from the guillotine. he leaves a pimpernel flower for the french revolitionaries.
They seek him here, they seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? Or is he in hell?
That damned elusive Pimpernel!
by slothics January 19, 2005
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A visible symbol of something you have done wrong and regretted, or a stigma of a past mistake you made that follows you.
The Puritans required adulterers to wear a scarlet letter, the letter "A" (with a scarlet red color) on a necklace as a penance for their wrongdoing.
by jakk765 November 14, 2013
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Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet.
- Taylor Swift, Love Story
by x1n December 19, 2010
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