This is the right wingers only tool in his debate box besides attacking the source. Used often by right wingers when realizing they lack the ability to debate their defenseless points.
When pinned down about having an agenda to gut Social Security, SNAP benefits, and Veteran benefits, The fidgety, sketchy right wing politician became louder and louder as he attempted his Right wing "But what about..?" deflection tactic saying "But what about that guys laptop? Or her emails?"
by ReallySUX2BUdontIt? April 28, 2023
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Name for the extreme right-wing of politics that respond to fear as a motivating tactic. Backed up by science that shows that self-described conservatives were described as being easily victimized and vulnerable at an impressionable age, before politics would have entered their thoughts, and by more recent research showing that conservatives naturally have a larger "fear center" in their brain.
Student reporter: What are your views on the South Pole?

Man on street: they want to take our freedoms, we need to bomb them.

Student reporter: ah, another frightened wing reply.
by Foxybunbun February 18, 2011
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It is a reinterpretation of Karl Marx's philosophy from a right-wing point of view.

It consists of reinforcing the entrepreneur's surplus value to guarantee the production of the bourgeoisie (which invests and risks its money) and the employment of the proletarian class (which needs work in order to become a bourgeois), protecting the infrastructure and superstructure of the means of production. To this end, a Strong State would be created to protect private property and invest in new ventures, forming the Capital Dictatorship. Therefore, social classes would be practically abolished, due to the improvement in the quality of life, forming an economically homogeneous society. The final stage of this process would be anarcho-capitalism or right-wing anarchism, with the extinction of the state, public offices and taxes.
Right-Wing Marxism it's the easiest way to a free society.
by rightest September 7, 2022
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An derogatory term for a person who's just a unoriginal troll who can be a douchebag on the internet always, and was portrayed as a hardcore M.A.G.A. fan. They possess one or more of these characteristics such as:
- Associating themselves to far-right politics.
- Hate LGBTQ+ rights, Furries, and people they find very inferior that they can discriminate and bully.
- Are willing to discriminate you, ruin your day, or make a harsh comment if you say something personal and they don't know you.
- They make offensive jokes that piss more people off than they expect.
- They have hateful words and slurs such as "Liberal", "Cuck", "Virgin", "Cringe", "Commie", "Gay", "Femboy", and "Soyboy" in their vocabulary and sometimes use pejorative acronyms in their internet battles.
- They're atheists and pagans, who praised Donald Trump as their god at the same time.
- They think that they were based, sigmas, and gigachads, who turned out to be cringe, betas, and soyboys.
- They strongly believe on anarchism, racism, and anti-semitism.
- They were highly controversial on social media.
- They spend too much on Twitter and 4chan.
- They play both League of Legends and Genshin Impact.
- They don't touch grass.
Right-wing fanboy: You're cringe and a femboy and the all-mighty Trump God, will send you to hell!
You: God doesn't like what you're doing and you are also in the wrong more than I am, because you refused to touch grass! You fucking troll!
Right-wing fanboy: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA TOUCH GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Karma will get you! March 10, 2022
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Evangelism, support for believers/protestants, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, minimal state, nazism, fascism, Islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, release of rifles, death penalty, privatization, retrograde conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, supremacy white, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelism, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of the bosses, supremacy of the business class, supremacy of the upper class, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of criminals who are military or police, supremacy of the military, supremacy of male sex, victimization of male sex, supremacy heterosexual and civilian weaponry with rifle and grenade.
I hate right-wing.
by Zorebbo May 11, 2023
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Supremacy of evangelicals, supremacy of believers/protestants, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, minimal state, nazism, fascism, Islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, release of rifles, death penalty, privatization, retrograde conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, supremacy white, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelism, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of the bosses, supremacy of the business class, supremacy of the upper class, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of criminals who are military or police, supremacy of the military, supremacy of male sex, victimization of male sex, supremacy heterosexual and civilian weaponry with rifle and grenade.
I hate right-wing.
by Zorebbo May 11, 2023
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Supremacy of evangelicals, supremacy of believers, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, maximum bourgeoisie, nazism, fascism, Islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, release of rifles, death penalty, privatization, retrograde conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, supremacy white, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelism, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of the bosses, supremacy of the business class, supremacy of the upper class, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of criminals who are military or police, supremacy of the military, supremacy of male sex, victimization of male sex, supremacy heterosexual and civilian weaponry with rifle and grenade.
I hate right-wing.
by Zorebbo May 11, 2023
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