A Rasmus is the perfect guy. He is super cute but can also be really hot. He will always care for you but if the mood is right he can do some really kinky suff in bed. He loves to cuddle and go on romantic dates and also loves to shove his huge dick inside of you. If you have a Rasmus as your boyfriend you really did everything right in your life.
"Wow why are you in such a good mood today?"
"Rasmus an I are officially dating!!"
"Wow you are so lucky"
by Karolina2007 November 22, 2021
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Rasmus is a guy that got alot of money, mostly always gets what he wants, Usually doesn't have much intrest in girls and will probably have a better life than you.
Oh look at that guy wearing a 500$ jacket, walking around with an iphone XSS and wearing an applewatch.

It must be a Rasmus
by Rasse October 4, 2018
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Rasmus is a comon name for someone that has alot of money, mostly always gets what he wants, Doesn't have any

self confidence, Mostly always tells others that he is bad at everything and Doesn't have any intrest in girls.

Summary: Rich guy, Doesn't like himself and will never put effort in getting a girlfriend.
Look at that guy going around with the newest and most expensive tech from Apple, But doesn't have any girls around him.
He be a Rasmus
by Rasse October 5, 2018
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Rasmus is the name of a heroic king, who was born to achieve great things. A Rasmus is often seen around beautiful women, who all want a part of him. A Rasmus is usually the brightest and best-looking person in a friend-group and is often mistaken for a Viktor, another legendary person. Teachers love him, students look up to him, and girls want to marry him. A Rasmus is often spotted at the gym, the lecture-halls, cool bars and sunny beaches. If you ever get to know a Rasmus, do not let him go again!
Girl 1: Wow, that guy is the most handsome person I've ever seen!!
Girl 2: Yeah, he's a total Rasmus.
by Parmesan Sigøjner October 21, 2020
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