Fucking dirty ass pigs that kill innocent ppl in their spare time yk when their not committing federal crimes and getting away with it.

-Madison Brown (the one bitch that will STOMP on ANY republican/conservative/Nazi/anti maskers face anytime of the day)
“Hey, didn’t you hear about the guy that got killed in his OWN garage bc the neighbors saw a black man and thought that he was trying to jump the car and steal it bc yk they’re racist?” - some random chick
“Nah man, the news doesn’t cover shit like that because their trying to cover up racism in the police force, bc yk NOBODY needs to know that the police are fucking PIGS!!” Other random chick with a 🧠
by BLMfuck12 December 30, 2021
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A very murderous breed of human, know as the Homo Occisor Magistratus ((latin)). They are known for targeting many black people and brutally killing them for no reason.
by !i want to kashoot myself! September 1, 2020
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The biggest bitches in the mother fucking world bruhh fuck all them niggas periodttt #freemelly
Sub to my mother fucking YouTube bitch then get you example 🖕😂❤️ Police
by Slime bitch 🐍 May 3, 2019
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The group of people who are suppose to protect you, no matter what skin color, sexuality, ethnicity, etc.
The police failed to protect black citizens.
by Ms._.Sniper June 8, 2020
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A racist who “patrols” but rlly just beats up black people or anyone who they think looks dangerous
“It’s the police bro” “oh Shit keep cool”
by Bumlordio March 8, 2020
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A police who searches for polices who search police police
That police police police police well I AM A POLICE!
by xX 44100 Xx March 15, 2021
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