Olivia is a type of person who radiates beauty and confidence and has the ability to laugh at herself. She has wit, charm, and is all around otherworldly. The usual form this gorgeous creature takes has long wavy brown hair, smooth olive skin, hazel eyes, straight white teeth, plump pink lips, and a body that makes an hourglass jealous. She has a tight behind and perfect breasts, you will find that Olivia is the only human closest to perfection. She is a strong willed, charismatic natural beauty with brains to boot. She is poised and graceful, and a wildcat in bed. The fiercest, most wondrous, thing to behold.
Man, in a haze: "I am the luckiest man alive. I met the most radiant woman the other night. She gave me the honor of taking her to bed, and I know that after her no other will ever be able to compare."

Man's friend: "Who was this magnificent creature!?"

Man: "Olivia."

Friend: "That explains it all."
by Truly Bold November 26, 2011
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A super sexy girl, with a gorgeous face and an AMAZING body. Also an amazing person; very loveable. Looks very shy and seems quiet but is an animal in bed. Has super sexy hair, hips, thighs, a nice sized booty, and chest. Likes to do dirty things with their boyfriends and makes them fall in love with them.
Guy: who was that sex goddess bro?
Guys Friend: Oh that was Olivia.
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Olivia is the kind of person who doesn't like to make a scene. Who may seem awkward or shy but as you get to know her you realize she's so much more than that. Olivia is funny, tough, smart and although she doesn't believe it she is gorgeous. She has big blue eyes, blonde hair and dimples that light up a room when she smiles. She hates drama and crybaby's but she has a soft side and that side is pretty great. Although she's not a people person she is a loyal and trustworthy friend and someone you can laugh for hours with. She says things the way they are and sometimes she is hated on for it but screw the haters cause she is who she is. She can really sing and has a killer taste in music and hot guys. If you ever get the chance to meet her don't loose her cause she's a keeper I promise.
"This girl said the funniest thing but I forgot her name,"
"Well, what did she look like?"
"She was really pretty and had big blue eyes"
"Must've been Olivia."
"Yeah, thats her name"
by Caramel Yum January 12, 2016
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Super cute and forgiving girl with tons of friends, never gives up. Don't screw with her, she might beatcha ass.
"dude did you see her?"
"yeah... *sigh*"
"she is so nice"
"yeah she's olivia"
by asdf lol March 15, 2013
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Beautiful and wonderful person
Who has an incredibly amazing sense of humor
Inteligent and either has or will earn all degrees in college
Also amazing at sports (especially swimming)

Olivias everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by farter.100 a day January 17, 2009
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The best girls alive. lovable,gorgeous and amazing.
Olivia is so loveable!
by Tigs & Liv! May 14, 2012
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An awesome sexy beast with great interaction skills that can only be accquired through proffesional training.
a master mind that works hard and can achieve anything she puts her mind to.
the kind of person your mum wishes she had a daughter like and yet you cannot feel jealous of her you just want to be her friend.

usually has dark brown hair and eyes and pale skin and generally stunning.
Girl: who is that impossibly stunning, clever, sexy, amazing talking skills girl?

Girl 2: Olivia of course!
by sxy tiger/lama/monkey/kangaroo November 12, 2010
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