A absolute lunatic who created a very destruction way of governing called communism. His ideas caused the death of many people. Karl Marx is a crazy atheist's.
"Karl Marx is the worlds most mentally ill person
by JESUS IS KING OF THE WORLD!!! November 27, 2020
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This is basically a combination of the Dirty Sanchez and Snorkel Gear, nuff said.
I gave that bitch the ol' Groucho Marx.
by Drizah November 1, 2007
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Two people who wrote about the marxist ideas,they had the right idea, but beacause of people not willing to give up greed and jealousy, it could never work, starlin later on tryed there ideas in communism, but failed, because of his own greed and his people's greed.
Marx&Engles two people who could have changed the world
by mastin February 25, 2006
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A term a professor in my 20th century history class used in a joking matter to denote German philosopher Karl Marx. He used that term to counteract popular belief that Marx was responsible for the corrupt totalitarian nightmare monster that what we today call Communism really is. If Marx were to visit a Communist country today he would not recognize it, because it ain't the classless society or working-class utopia that he envisioned. Marx believed in equality and freedom, but he left no blueprint for this utopian world and he omitted too many possibilities, leaving too many loopholes open and paving the way for egotistical pied pipers like Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung to distort Marx's ideas for their own personal gain and power, killing millions of people in the process. Because of this, Karl Marx has a bad reputation for many people, especially in the West.
Big Bad Marx and his theories have made a tremendously important impact on the science of sociology.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 13, 2007
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