a gibberish expression of incredulity by a little critter.
Pocahontas: The forest is saved!
Comedy Badger: Una Mana!?
by TheLastBoss December 29, 2011
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secret of mana is a squaresoft produced game, made in the 1990's. its storyline and soundtrack are rivaled only by a couple of the companies other games of the final fantasy series. it is a fantasy role playing game where you have to defeat the bad guy, save the world, so on and so forth. best super nintendo entertainment system game and quite possibly the best game ever made for any platform.
you're playing secret of mana, fucking cool beans!
by levi August 2, 2004
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A situation in the card game "Magic The Gathering" a player does not have an acceptable amount of lands throughout the whole game
DAMMIT! I have been totally getting Mana-Screwed this game.
by Evilbob3424 June 15, 2009
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One who is constantly out of mana in an online role playing game. Typically caused by being overzealous with his/her spells.
Aillron, nuke it! I can't I'm oom. You fucking mana chode.
by Carnival December 12, 2007
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An RPG video game made by NIS America it bases its gameplay around alchemy and killing stuff. It is arguably the best video game series ever (Of emergent games). Pronounced: mah-nah kuh-MEE-uh
Person A-So what is the best RPG that you've played
Person B-Mana Khemia
by NarutoGriffin February 4, 2010
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a potion, usually blue, that restores a characters MP or MANA. Very typical in RPG's.
Oh no, my mage is running out of MP. he needs a mana potion if he wants to cast any more thunder spells
by krevin April 22, 2007
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