Mali is the sweetest white girl you will ever met. She is kind and has the biggest prettiest eyes in the world . She may be known as the annyoying loud girl but trust me you need her in your life.
Luv you mali - J
Guy 1: Omg she is so fine she looks like a Mali lets go up to her
Guy 2: yeah man!!!
by meowmoewkitty69 April 18, 2022
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Mali is a definition of something thats vulgar and disgusting. Mali is commonly used to describe something ugly
It can be used in sentences like

«Hey, look at that blobfish, it is really Mali looking»
by Anon72727293993 April 13, 2022
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Mali's are great people. Always seeming weird at first once they become friends with you they will be the only person you want to hang out with. Mali's natural state is eating, 99% of the time you see a Mali they will be eating. Mali's main aims are to make you laugh, from saying cheesy pickup lines to purposefully tripping over they will crack you up. They always hold the record for the most pizza eaten whenever you go out and they don't give up easily. They are easily riled up but if they get angry you better run. The cooles, sexiest, amazingest, beautifulest, most badass person you've ever met. They usually hop on trends late but are too cool for school.
I love Mali!
Mali is so cool.
Yo, ma mali, how ya doin'.
Ay yo Malis a bad ass
by ya ma g im too cool March 16, 2023
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country in West Africa with significantly underappreciated history and culture. Richest man in history was from here (Mansa Musa). Check out some Malian music: Salif Keita, Toumani Diabate, Tinariwen
by ategua April 4, 2020
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country in the northern half of west africa (sahel region). The capital is Bamako and it also contains historical cities like Djenne, Macina, Timbuktu and Gao. The main language is Bambara which is similar to Dyula/Jula/Dioula, but they also speak French as the language of education, govt, media, etc. There are many different tribes besides Bambara, including Songhais, Fulbe, Bozos, Dogons, Soninkes, Senoufos and Maninkas. The country is mainly savanna landscape, and the Niger river runs in the middle. The northern half is part of the Sahara which is inhabited by a nomadic people called Touaregs.

The country is named after the medieval Mali Empire which was based in the same area and the same culture as the modern country, and got very very rich by trading gold to the maghreb. In the late 1800s it was occupied and colonized by France which is the source or a source of a lot of Mali's troubles today. The main religion is Islam but the society is actually very lax and there haven't been religious conflicts until recently, mainly in the north sahara region. Sometimes islam is mixed with traditional african culture. Some tribes like the Senoufos and Dogons still follow their own religions. Mali has a kickass culture, especially the music, for examples check out Salif Keita, Ali Farka Toure, Toumani Diabate, Sissoko. The food is largely similar to other West African countries with dishes like fufu, jolof etc but with local variations.
Hey man where are you from?

I'm from Mali
by ategua April 3, 2020
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A word to distract from the true maly which is Ahmed Maged
by MadSamir June 30, 2023
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The absolute chad of the discord server he will obliterate anyone in his path whether that means Doxxing them or packing them he will do it.
Omg he is such a Mali#0001
by ImSoAwesome777 May 1, 2022
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