The clue is in the name. Someone who has a cock for a liver. The victims insides are usually all messed up.
Doctor- "It appears you are a cock liver"

Mary- "Oh no, now i can't eat cookies"
by Toss pot March 6, 2008
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Old insult usually used by school kids. Another way to say the other person is afraid or unwanted.
Me: No I do not want to play Break-the-Bottle in the alley with you Chuy!

Chuy: Chicken liver!!!
by thedzone October 10, 2009
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Where you are so hungry and into canibalism to the point that you say that you want to eat someones liver.
Person 1: we're stranded and I'm so hungry
Person 2: OK
Person 1: I feel like eating liver right now
by Where TF am I??? December 27, 2022
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the imaginary light that turns on when you have drank too much, usually an indication that your liver is in danger of failing
person 1: yo, man, we've been drinking too much this week
person 2: i know. my liver light has been on since monday.
by asdfoim January 10, 2010
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When the liver grows into or becomes infused with the spine and/or spinal cord.
If Y'all don't flip that baby it will become Liver Bound.
by cc jack May 3, 2010
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insult ; mr.penis you have a tiny penis.
Raven: liver waffle.
Bronwyn: i know i need to get it check out :
by Raven mrpenis. September 26, 2010
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When you've been boozing too hard for multiple days and you begin to get a tickle-kind-of pain in the upper right quadrant of your torso
"God damn man, this booze cruise is giving me a liver tickle"
"Holy shit my liver is itchy af. Got them liver tickles"
"Am I an alcoholic? I got the liver tickles!"
by AmISeriouslyDoingThis September 2, 2018
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