Someone who is "not a racist" suddenly going on a racist tirade in the presence of an individual or individuals who are of the ethnic background that the racist tirade is directed toward. Such an occurence was first discovered when Michael Richards (aka Kramer from Seinfeld) went on a racist tirade during a stand-up in which he verbally attacked a group of porch-monkeys that had been heckling him. Hence the name "Kramer Moment."
After Oswald soundly defeated his white friend, Irving, in a game of backgammon, Irving had a Kramer Moment in which he reffered to his black friend, Oswald, as "stupid nigger". Oswald immediately responded by pulling out a gat and busting a cap in Irving's scrawny white ass.
by e-man91688 December 23, 2006
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Chas Kramer or Chaz Kramer/Pulling a Chaz Kramer
Taken from the movie Constantine where Constantine's apprentice, Chas Kramer would imititate John Constantine's catch phrase by saying, "The name is Kramer, Chas Kramer, asshole." Towards the end of the movie after seemingly winning against Satan's son by performing an exorsism of sorts, Chas says "The name is Kramer, Chas Kramer... ass" and is abruptly cut off as he is grabbed by unseen forces and thrown against the ceiling and the floor severals times, afterwhich he dies from the incurred injuries.

1) Used as an insult or for putting someone back in line when they are talking massive shit while in the process of winning at a competition of any kind.
2) Used as a warning to let someone know they should stop bragging before they get themselves pwnt with authority.
3) Used as an insult for kicking the wounded after they've just lost a competition of any kind while they were talking massive shit.
person1: Oh man look at that! I am so about to spank that
ass. You're so about to lose the game.
person2: Shut up,
person1: Just accept your fate, there is no winning it for
person2: Shut up!
person1: What? Not my fault that you suck at life. Now
get on your knees and beg for me to make it quick.
person2: Ok Chaz.
person1: *silence*
person1: *silence*
person1: *silence*

"Ok man, keep talking shit like Chaz Kramer, see what happens to your punk ass."

person3: Man, what's wrong with person1?
person4: Oh, he lost the match with person2.
person3: Ah. Damn, he looked like he was gonna win that
one for sure. Wonder what happened.
*brief pause*
person3: He was pulling a Chaz Kramer huh?
person4: Yep.
person3 and person4: Dumbass.
by October 5, 2005
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To have an untimely attack of hot, explosive diarrhea.
Heidi had a Kramer Attack at Wal-mart. Her pants show evidence that she barely made it to the bathroom.
by Elizabeth May 13, 2003
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when you miss the chance to use the bathroom and then become constipated. See Sienfeld, Episode 63, "The Pilot" (part 1).
the kramer effect- "I didn't make it to a private bathroom to poop when I had to go two days ago, and I haven't been able to go since."


KRAMER: (acting very bad) I saw Joe DiMaggio in Dinky Doughnuts again, but this time, I went in. (pause, stops acting) Oh! Uh, where's the bathroom?

STU: I think if you go down the hall, it's on the right at the very end.

KRAMER: Yeah. Be right back. (Kramer leaves)

(We see Kramer, groaning and holding his stomach, running down the hall, and opening the bathroom's door. Someone in there says: "Sorry buddy, full house." We then see Kramer outside leaving the building and running across the street to a restaurant: "Sorry, customers only" ...running into a movie theater: "Hey you need a ticket!" ...running through the park...)

(Kramer enters)

JERRY: Hey. What happened to you yesterday?

KRAMER: I got mugged.

GEORGE: You got mugged?

JERRY: Mugged?

KRAMER: Well, I wouldn't have minded it so much but I was running home to go to the bathroom.

JERRY: Why didn't you use the bathroom in the building?

KRAMER: It was full. I tried a few other places, you know, but that didn't work. I mean it was an emergency Jerrry. I was really percolating... So I decided to run home through the park and then these two guys they stopped me and...

by tcekatlady August 26, 2010
Get the the kramer effect mug. have a dirty bum(not exactly homeless) suddenly show up out of no where, annoy you and your friends, steal cigarette butts from the ashtray, and drink from used beer cans. Also to mooch everything they can ranging from food to weed to toilet paper and then ramble for hours on end talking about nothing but primarily a mixture of gibberish, pothead " ideas", stories that probably never happend especially about awesome or terrible experiences.

2. the appearance of an unwanted guest who doesn't get the hint to leave
dave: hey man, pass me a beer!

randy: sure here ya go man.

matt: dude man! let me short that butt man! gwitch!!

by andy wirf November 23, 2009
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Chas Kramer or Chaz Kramer/Pulling a Chas Kramer
Taken from the movie Constantine where Constantine's apprentice, Chas Kramer would imititate John Constantine's catch phrase by saying, "The name is Kramer, Chas Kramer,asshole." Towards the end of the movie after seemingly winning against Satan's son by performing an exorsism of sorts, Chas says "The name is Kramer, Chas Kramer... ass" and is abruptly cut off as he is grabbed by unseen forces and thrown against the ceiling and the floor severals times, afterwhich he dies from the incurred injuries.

1) Used as an insult or for putting someone back in line when they are talking massive shit while in the process of winning at a competition of any kind.
2) Used as a warning to let someone know they should stop bragging before they get themselves pwnt with authority.
3) Used as an insult for kicking the wounded after they've just lost a competition of any kind while they were talking massive shit.
person1: Oh man look at that! I am so about to spank that
ass. You're so about to lose the game.
person2: Shut up,
person1: Just accept your fate, there is no winning it for
person2: Shut up!
person1: What? Not my fault that you suck at life. Now
get on your knees and beg for me to make it quick.
person2: Ok Chas.
person1: *silence*
person1: *silence*
person1: *silence*

"Ok man, keep talking shit like Chas Kramer, see what happens to your punk ass."

person3: Man, what's wrong with person1?
person4: Oh, he lost the match with person2.
person3: Ah. Damn, he looked like he was gonna win that
one for sure. Wonder what happened.
*brief pause*
person3: He was pulling a Chas Kramer huh?
person4: Yep.
person3 and person4: Dumbass.

by waywardspooky September 30, 2005
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someone who stumbles over themselves on a regular basis. Someone who is not well dressed, or shaven. Has money, but no one knows why. Similar to the character in Sienfeld. Someone who doesn't really have a job. Eager to trip, spit, snort, and act out in a foolish mannor.
Spock totally just pulled a cosmo kramer. He totally just tripped and fell on the ground. He fell on a huge pile of dog shit and just kept on walking like nothing happened.

Tim just cosmo kramerd. He ate his own bugers and thought no one saw it.
by sasha o. September 25, 2006
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