Where soldiers and military personnel eat their meals.
Let's meet in the mess hall after the Bob Hope USO show. I prefer the mess hall any day to k rations.
by needtoknowbasis November 23, 2013
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is an extension of it's true meaning. someone who polices the halls and rats on fellow peers for petty power, self esteem and approval from elders. someone who gets off or generally thinks they are in charge by randomly busting you. self appointed judges of anything.
by coldchicken23 November 2, 2003
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A wonderful name that means "gracious gift from God".
A girl you are lucky to know. Jessica's tend to have the brightest smiles. They usually give you full attention & have an intense stare that can be intimidating, but they are so sweet there is no need to be intimidated. If you are a guy & you let a Jessica get away then you are a dumb shit because Once a Jessica loves, she loves forever. Jessica's deserve guys that will go to the ends of the earth, & walk on fire to be with them. That's how amazing they are. Jessica's are also good friends that are always there for a friend in need. They are Loyal, kind & forgiving. Anyone who would take advantage of or lie to a Jessica is a worthless piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live. If you have ever wronged a Jessica you should be eternally ashamed of yourself.

Jessica's stand up for what is right, & tend to do the right thing. They are never to proud to say sorry if they do the wrong thing. Basically Jessica's are amazing.
person1: Jessica Hall rox my sox dude
person2: Jessica Hall effing kicks epic ass
person1: No shyt mane...wanna ring her up?
person2: Nah dude she's way outta our league.
by Miss_Merody November 5, 2011
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a residence hall located at syracuse university. although there are are 8 floors, over half of which smell like weed on a daily basis, there is only one floor in particular that matters. The 8th floor, conveniently and rightfully so placed on the top, above all the other floors is the only floor that, well to put it lightly, matters. It is also the floor with the greatest number of writeups for underage drinking which they all seem to take as a compliment. The dining hall is known for it's historical landmark, formally named Irene. If you like grilled chicken and fries everyday and makeshift stir fry it is the dining hall for you. Outside of the dome that the plethora of boys are receiving from desperate horny girls trying to get laid, the hall is located conveniently close to the world famous carrier dome. Although the hall ways smell like straight up ass due to the recent influx of vomiting and sex, sadler hall is still a sight to see when visiting the cuse.
yo you went to that party last night?

yeah it was crazyy sadler hall be gettin wiiiiiild
by a girlll October 21, 2010
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A place where relationships are made, band directors get taunted, hearts get broken, and band nerds make out.
"OMG! Did you see Candace and Zach making out in the band hall? They were like totally all over each other!!!"
by BandNerd May 24, 2006
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