Fluke is a YouTuber that uploads loads of furry content (also he vlogs)
Fluke is a YouTuber

Fluke is the furry YouTuber

Fluke is a furry
by TotallyNotRift April 29, 2021
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Two faced person thats unsure of themselves. Acts as if they with the drama then backs down last min. Leaves you hanging all the time. Person you just wanna slap some confidence into.
(Commonly used in Baltimore and DMV area)
Did he just run from that guy?

Yo a straight Fluke
Dawg you scared of the pussy or something?

Yous a Fluke ...boi!
by Chauncy Chances October 18, 2018
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Often used in Baltimore as an insult used to describe a bitch ass nigga or a scary ass nigga.
Yo dummy down tha street a while fluke yo
by Bmorenigga23 September 23, 2019
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Person : Yo y'all ever saw another dudes ass and got horny?

Person 2: Aye dog that was some fluke shit , chill out.
by XBOX GT: X A N K L Z X April 26, 2020
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Geometry Dash term

Have a lower percentage and then go all the way to the end in a game called Geometry Dash. Also can be used to describe going from like 20% to 60% in a level. It has to be a significant jump, so something like 80 to 100 would not be considered a fluke, at least in shorter levels.

It's where you get lucky and beat a level.
by IFaruI May 24, 2023
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A fluke is someone who runs game on others and has trippy ways.
Alexis is a fluke, we had an appointment last night and she didn't pitch.
by McGwire December 23, 2018
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To roll a blunt completely wrong. To mess up.
Did he really just fluke that field goal?
Come on now, who fluked the wood?
by That’s him July 9, 2021
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