A name for a certain grade of methamphetamine. Usually lithium is used in the cooking process. It is a very fine powder and very fluffy, hence the term fluff.
Herbert smoked so much fluff he thought the cops were coming and he jumped off of a three story window.
by Twackhat January 23, 2008
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to jazz up, make pretty, clean up, help to blossom
Barbra was a greasy teenager, but after she was fluffed, she was a model.
by DonaldSt February 15, 2008
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To "fluff" is actually what it is to puff a cloud of air from your derrierre.... more delicately put, of course. Ladies use this one.
by Cricket Kanta April 25, 2005
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Fuff, or alternatively known as fluffy, are known to be lovable, hug enticing things, romance, or personality.
This teddy bear is so damn fluffy.

You have such a fluffy personality.

Theres fluff everywhere!
by Shance May 24, 2016
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No idea. Not a clue.

The phrase "no fluff" is sometimes used to demonstrate "realness", however the more common usage is to describe someone who doesn't really know what they are doing.

The kind of person who just jumps on others ideas and attempts to pass them as their own, usually by trying to discredit those who they stole them from.
Dan: "That guy Jed sat up in the board meeting and pretended he came up with the latest advertising campaign, but it was all my idea."
Al: "F**k that guy man. No fluff!"
by beardoweirdo February 25, 2021
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"Did you see the fluff at the Luke Bryan concert?"
by ToughFluff May 5, 2018
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These two rabbits fluffed each other yesterday.
by Ace September 6, 2004
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