When a individual or group of individuals use "Facebook friends" to find unsuspecting targets for conversation and flirting, but never actually plan on being in a relationship with them. Most look attractive in their profile pic, but only after hours of editing
John: Brian this really cute girl added me yesterday and commented on my pics, she's into me.

Brian: That's wassup man.

4 Weeks Later

John: Do you know that hoe won't answer me in a message or im, and I saw her at this concert and she had ant hills all over her face.

Brian: Really? Sucks man

1 hour later

*John has 20 mutual friends with Kiersten*

Ryan: Hey john you see that hot chick commenting my pics

John: OMG, that Facebook Flirt !
by J|C July 14, 2010
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Like color blind, this attribute is best described as partially or totally unable to distinguish the difference between flirtation and friendliness.
Steve: "Are you flirt blind? She obveously used several double entendres that eluded to sexual intercourse."

Gerald: "Damn it, I wondered why she looked confused on the way to the candy shop"
by ktizzlemcsizzle November 30, 2011
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Cleverly flirting with someone using lies or half truths simply to get someone of interests attention
Devin: Before I started going out with Janna she told me she loved camping and would love to go camping alone with me. I just found out yesterday that she has never gone camping in her life and would rather not do so at all.
Alex: haha, she used a flirt tactic on you
by Claude Gabrillo August 19, 2006
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1. The act of getting the interest of another person, usually of the opposite gender, without putting thought into it before doing it, and capturing that person's attention. A function of an individual's personality.

2. What an individual is doing when he or she flirts without even knowing his or her actions are perceived as some type of flirt, whether it be simply making a wise crack for a smiling; or, with direct eye contact and raised eyebrows, a simple innocent flirt could be perceived as having a more romantic tone.

Either way, over time, it can lead to serious attraction.
Women discuss how a guy is so funny and he's such a flirt.

He thinks he can't flirt and he completely misses that he is perceived that way by a majority of women with which he comes into contact each day. All he knows is that he makes wisecracks that get a laugh from the ladies and he loves an audience, the smaller the better. What he does is subconscious flirting, and he may be perceived as a persistent, non-stop, incessant flirt without intending to be.

Weeks, months, years or decades later, someone clues him in to the previously-existing or newly-found magnetic attraction.
by Annie Nomus December 19, 2011
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Ho flirt is a girl who while not fucking any guy in sight will instead flirt to excessive lengths with said guys. Ho flirts are generally decently attractive girls who have finally become out going enough to flirt with random dudes. Ho flirts generally are found in a college setting where they aren't known well by the new guys around them and are away from family members who would look down at their "behavior" so they can create a new identity. Ho flirts will not last for an extended period of time as they will either end up in a relationship or discover the experience known as sexual intercourse. Once experiencing sex for the first time they will start to crave the cock and search for it endlessly giving them a label of thirsty. Ho flirts aren't to be confused with flirting ho's who take the flirting to the level of non stop sexual relations and blow jobs.
"Bro this girl literally flirts with every guy in the dorm"
"Ya man I know what you mean, she's such as ho flirt"
"Oh totally"
by cmp0526 September 17, 2013
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when you flirt but you don't mean it to amount to anything.
zander and ruby are always idle flirting in chemistry.
by backasswards October 17, 2008
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A shameless flirt is someone who will flirt with anyone. They do not even necessarily need to be attracted to them. These types of people flirt constantly, it is their default setting. When they are flirting with you, you know it. There is no question about it. Don't feel too special though, shameless flirts do it because it is fun and comes naturally to them, not because they particularly like the person.
Jordan: That girl was flirting with me, I think she likes me.

Matt: Nah, she is such a shameless flirt. Don't feel too special.
by ashamelessflirt May 19, 2011
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