When you consequentally get ink in your mouth from chewing on your pen.
I was nervous in my interview and I accidetally had an ink feast. I didn't get the job.
by errington2000 May 23, 2009
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A drink taken as a "shot" with three components: one shot glass of tequila (gold or silver), one shot glass of tomato or corn salsa, and a tortilla chip. When taking a Mexican Feast, the drinker first takes the shot of tequila, second the shot of salsa, and then finishes by eating the chip.
"I want to fucking party tonight but let's think outside the bun... I know, let's get some fucking Mexican Feasts!"
by Geoffrey Dongfingers August 24, 2011
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When a guy is eating filet mignon while his girl gives him a blowjob, then the girl spits the load on mash potatoes, and then eats the mash potatoes with a fork.
Yo that girl is so freaky she gave that guy an ultimate feast!
by The Cool Guy 777 November 22, 2013
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When a person(s) is totally ready to become one with their seating arrangement and engorge themselves with as much food as they can possibly stomach. This is abbreviated as DTF.
Person X “Wanna order Chinese?”

Person Y “I am totally DTF!” (Down to feast)
by Hobo2018 June 26, 2018
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The event that occured after Gekyumes Circumcision in which different members in the crowd partake in eating the foreskin from Gekyume.
Me: Yo you go to gekyumes circumcision
friend: no but i went to the feast of gekyume
Me: that shit was tasty
friend: i didn't get to taste the foreskin :(
by truthdefintion March 6, 2019
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When a girl sucks a dudes dick and simultaneously feeds him a sandwich, that has been previously made... by the girl obviously

aka mayo mcnasty
aka munch n suck
aka the dine and dick
aka hoagie blowie
aka cock meat sandwich
Last night i needed to bust a nut and i knew i would be hungry afterward so i had the bitch make me a sandwich and then dome me up. whatup

dude i just got a feast and release!!!
by fatty mcnasty nut January 13, 2011
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When find yourself a nice lady, and get her consent prior to, then wake her up to you eating that pussy like its going out of style.
Bae was sleeping, but it was time for a sneak feast!
by Eastbaysneakfeaster May 26, 2021
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